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Celebrity Death Thread

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  • #61
    Originally posted by Drew View Post
    I heard Anna Nicole Smith died.
    Yeah, I heard she accidentally opened a 5th grade math book.......
    The only logical explanation is:
    I'm about to die and this is my Jacob's Ladder


    • #62
      Depends on your definition of "talent".
      AXE 'EM!


      • #63
        I think a certain period of time needs to pass before it's not classless to make fun of the dead. I don't think it's passed yet. Reading WDFN's "tribute" to Anna Nicole made me ill.


        • #64
          Agree with that.

          Also, Smith's situation is gonna require much ironing before it's over. There's a baby girl, paternity queries, multi millions that are being grabbed for...It's gonna get uglier before it gets better.
          <<< Jana Cova ...again (8 <<<


          • #65
            Aww, come on, it's all really about entertainment, isn't it? Just one big continuation of her reality show?

            It's too bad they didn't catch her death on that show. Now that's good TV folks! Can you imagine the ratings? And the water cooler talk... man, missed opportunity.
            The only thing missing from that Marvin Jones touchdown reversal is that it wasn't a first round playoff game.


            • #66
              Originally posted by -Deborah- View Post
              I think a certain period of time needs to pass before it's not classless to make fun of the dead. I don't think it's passed yet. Reading WDFN's "tribute" to Anna Nicole made me ill.
              I guess I'm classless because the appropriate amount of time with this was about 30 seconds....

              TrimSpa, Baby!
              I feel like I am watching the destruction of our democracy while my neighbors and friends cheer it on


              • #67


                • #68
                  She said she wanted to be the new Marilyn Monroe. Unfortunately, with her death, she was a little too much like Marilyn


                  • #69
                    Originally posted by -Deborah- View Post
                    Ha! I figured it wouldn't take long for someone to hit that softball...:-D
                    I feel like I am watching the destruction of our democracy while my neighbors and friends cheer it on


                    • #70
                      hit it, Anna was all ready to marry it if it had a few bucks
                      The only logical explanation is:
                      I'm about to die and this is my Jacob's Ladder


                      • #71
                        CNN jokes --- Is Anna Nicole Smith still dead?

                        And it seems to me you lived your life
                        Like a candle in the wind
                        Never knowing who to cling to
                        When the rain set in
                        I would have liked to have known you
                        And though I never did
                        I've probably seen your hooters more
                        Than your doctor ever did.
                        Last edited by Newbomb Turk; February 11, 2007, 10:21 PM.
                        The only logical explanation is:
                        I'm about to die and this is my Jacob's Ladder


                        • #72
                          I never watched her show; it seemed too dumb. And I never really thought she was that sexy, and I never really cared much about her, but I can't see making fun of her so shortly after her death. Hell, it's not even certain she wasn't murdered. There's at least one billionair's son who is gonna profit from her death. What's to become of her daughter?

                          There's too much that is unfunny about the situation to crack jokes about it now.
                          <<< Jana Cova ...again (8 <<<


                          • #73
                            Yeah, lets make fun of the astronaut and her Depends instead......;)
                            I feel like I am watching the destruction of our democracy while my neighbors and friends cheer it on


                            • #74
                              I couldn't believe all the coverage that dumb bimbo's death got. What has she ever done except marry a 90 year old billionaire? What passes for celebrity in this country is just plain stupid and irrelevant. There are a lot of people who die tragically and leave children behind. Why focus your sympathy on some big-breasted gold-digger when there are hard working people who really deserve it? My aunt just died. My uncle took care of her every need for the past seven years. He is now exhausted and broke. His selfish daughter doesn't want much to do with him. I don't give a rat's ass about Anna Nicole Slut.
                              I'll let you ban hate speech when you let me define hate speech.


                              • #75

                                GO LIONS "07" !!!!!!!
                                GO LIONS "24" !!

