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Celebrity Death Thread

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  • Robin Williams seemed bipolar with spurts of hyperactivity and sleeplessness later met with bouts of depression. Mix in drugs and booze and multiple tumultuous relationships and marriages and, well, his demise isn't all that surprising.

    RIP a great actor. RIP others with similar ends and not such endearing movie personas. Depression sucks.
    Last edited by AMP; August 13, 2014, 02:36 PM.


    • YT quoting psychiatrist : suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem.

      That is such a profound way of putting it. That made me think very deeply for a few moments there.

      Does this mean that any problem (or loss) we endure in life, we have the ability to sort the grief of that in our heads? Hence the "temporary" problem. I'm very interested in this stuff. I still have both my parents, but if anything was to happen to my dad, my mum could have suicidal moments I fear. My dad gets a weird shaped mole on his skin, my mum marches him down the docs.

      Sorry to hear about the stuff with your dad. Can't even begin to imagine how to deal with that.
      "I'm having much more fun in my 70s in the 20s than I did in my 20s in the 70s.”

      Joe Walsh - Murrayfield Stadium, Edinburgh 22nd June 2022


      • Originally posted by YT View Post
        My shrink told me that suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem.
        Your shrink should have been fired on the spot. Bunch of rote psycho babble crap.

        If an individual is so pained by whatever ailes them, the ultimate free will option is to end their own pain/suffering how they see fit.

        Think, "Walk a mile in my shoes" and then try judging. You can't. It wasn't your shoes.
        19.1119, NO LONGER WAITING


        • Originally posted by Panoptes View Post
          Your shrink should have been fired on the spot. Bunch of rote psycho babble crap.

          If an individual is so pained by whatever ailes them, the ultimate free will option is to end their own pain/suffering how they see fit.

          Think, "Walk a mile in my shoes" and then try judging. You can't. It wasn't your shoes.

          Quote: If an individual is so pained by whatever ailes them, the ultimate free will option is to end their own pain/suffering how they see fit.

          Is this your opinion? Or is this how things should really be? Because if that was the case, people would be jumping off bridges and buildings all over the place. There'd be no room for other news, on the news! It'd be wall to wall suicides.
          "I'm having much more fun in my 70s in the 20s than I did in my 20s in the 70s.”

          Joe Walsh - Murrayfield Stadium, Edinburgh 22nd June 2022


          • Oooooooops I forgot.

            RIP Lauren.

            "Not sure if Robin was ADHD but his death is terribly sad."
            -------------------------------------I just read an article where he(Robin) questioned being bipolar.

            "Robin Williams seemed bipolar with spurts of hyperactivity and sleeplessness later met with bouts of depression. Mix in drugs and booze and multiple tumultuous relationships and marriages and, well, his demise isn't all that surprising."
            ------------------------I actually believe Williams used drugs as a means to quell his brain activity.

            Here's an article where Carrie Fisher speaks to that.-----
            GO LIONS "24" !!


            • Originally posted by Panoptes View Post
              Your shrink should have been fired on the spot. Bunch of rote psycho babble crap.

              If an individual is so pained by whatever ailes them, the ultimate free will option is to end their own pain/suffering how they see fit.

              Think, "Walk a mile in my shoes" and then try judging. You can't. It wasn't your shoes.
              It may be, IYO, that it is "rote psycho babble" but I felt it was a great description of what suicide is.

              I told my Dad this and he slowly started to come around & not dwell upon my Mom death, second by second. I also reminded him that his children & grandchildren needed him.

              I agree with your statement of "walk a mile in my shoes". I also agree that unless one has lost a spouse or child, you cannot really understand what they are going through.

              I humbly disagree with your view on one ending their own life as the choice of ultimate free will to end their pain & suffering as it pertains to depression.

              If one has a terminal illness with no known cure, I can see suicide as a choice. As it pertains to depression, I do not!

              I had this very discussion with my Mom in June 93, prior to her being diagnosed with terminal cancer. She wanted my opinion on assisted suicide & Kevorkian.

              She had already survived breast cancer 4.5 yrs prior. I thought we were just discussing the moral & ethics of assisted suicide.

              After she was diagnosed with terminal cancer 3 months later I realized that she wanted the families' approval if she chose to pursue that course for herself. When diagnosed she was given 2 weeks to live.

              She chose not to & fought for over 2 months to live to see her granddaughter Emily born.

              As a side note, while working in transit I conducted several joint investigations of suicides & attempts with individuals jumping in front of a train or bus.

              90% had the same common denominator....individual was depressed and chose to commit suicide instead of seeking professional help.

              On a personal note, I feel that one committing suicide due depression is a very selfish act & damages the persons' loved one left behind with several questions & no real answers.


              • Here's a good article but a son who's father committed suicide.

                The trouble with suicide is that no one knows what to say. No one knows how to react. So they smile and wave and attempt distraction... but they never ever say the word. The survivors, it seems, are often left to survive on their own.
                GO LIONS "24" !!


                • You go as hard as you can for as long as you can. I think Robin probably lived up to this standard. No one can know what it was like to be inside of his head......but anyone who took cocaine to calm themselves' down probably had a head full of thoughts that couldn't be slowed down with torturous effect.

                  I think it's hard for people to understand: How can someone who always makes everyone smile... not be happy?

                  People (especially those who's heads churn constantly) rarely see themselves as others do. One (perceived) negative interaction can be torture. Robin was a grown man who provided for his family, saw his children into adulthood, and gave millions of people brief moments of happiness for many years. He owes no one anything.

                  Thank you and good luck Mr. Williams. Travel well.


                  • Well said Nick.
                    GO LIONS "24" !!


                    • Originally posted by Nick Pappageorgio View Post
                      You go as hard as you can for as long as you can. I think Robin probably lived up to this standard. No one can know what it was like to be inside of his head......but anyone who took cocaine to calm themselves' down probably had a head full of thoughts that couldn't be slowed down with torturous effect.

                      I think it's hard for people to understand: How can someone who always makes everyone smile... not be happy?

                      People (especially those who's heads churn constantly) rarely see themselves as others do. One (perceived) negative interaction can be torture. Robin was a grown man who provided for his family, saw his children into adulthood, and gave millions of people brief moments of happiness for many years. He owes no one anything.

                      Thank you and good luck Mr. Williams. Travel well.
                      A quotable well said NP.
                      19.1119, NO LONGER WAITING


                      • If Robin's brain was slowed down by cocaine, then he definitely had serious brain hyperactivity. Medically speaking his brain on it's own kept producing dopamine, then the dopamine would exit before doing it's job, so drugs like cocaine and meth which block dopamine from exiting, would actually make his brain more normal and slower. The signal to produce more dopamine (around the clock) isn't there.

                        Of course, it would only make his brain be less active like most people, if he took it in therapeutic doses, which I doubt was his goal. He was no doubt getting high as he could.
                        The Lions went 11-5 in 2014


                        • Gene Simmons Tells Depressed People: 'F**k You, Kill Yourself'

                          ET Online
                          By Jackie Willis 2 hours ago

                          Gene Simmons is not making many friends this week.

                          Gene Simmons is not making many friends this week. First he went after American immigrants who don't speak "goddamn English," and now the KISS rocker has some beyond strong opinions about those struggling with depression.

                          "Drug addicts and alcoholics are always, 'The world is a harsh place.' My mother was in a concentration camp in Nazi Germany. I don't want to hear f**k all about "the world as a harsh place." She gets up every day, smells the roses and loves life," the 64-year-old told "And for a putz, 20-year-old kid to say, 'I'm depressed, I live in Seattle.' F**k you, then kill yourself."

                          Unfortunately, he didn't stop there. "I never understand, because I always call them on their bluff. I'm the guy who says 'Jump!' when there's a guy on top of a building who says, 'That's it, I can't take it anymore, I'm going to jump,'" Simmons continued. "Are you kidding? Why are you announcing it? Shut the f**k up, have some dignity and jump! You've got the crowd." (yep)

                          His timing couldn't be worse seeing as the beloved Robin Williams committed suicide on Monday after years of struggling with depression himself. Needless to say, Simmons' remarks were not so well received, especially by one of his fellow rockers.

                          Motley Crue's Nikki Sixx, 55, commented on the shocking quotes during his radio show Sixx Sense, saying, "I like Gene. But in this situation, I don't like Gene. I don't like Gene's words. There is a 20-year-old kid out there who is a KISS fan and reads this and goes, 'You know what? He's right. I should just kill myself.'"

                          He added, "For people who are depressed, there is a way out. There are many, many ways out…Don’t listen to people who don’t know what they’re talking about."

                          *He shares harsh words with difficult timing but I tend to agree with his angle. Deal w/ your issues or get out of the way. (Darwins?) Survival of the fittest comes to mind.
                          19.1119, NO LONGER WAITING


                          • Who knew we could count on Nikki Sixx to be a voice of reason. This is the same guy who once challenged his friend Tommy Lee to snort a line of ants crawling on the sidewalk.....


                            • Opinion alert, and an opinion long before recent remarks......., Gene Simmons is a fking dickhead. Apologies to die hard KISS fans.

                              (They were over rated pish as well! )
                              "I'm having much more fun in my 70s in the 20s than I did in my 20s in the 70s.”

                              Joe Walsh - Murrayfield Stadium, Edinburgh 22nd June 2022


                              • Originally posted by Nick Pappageorgio View Post
                                Who knew we could count on Nikki Sixx to be a voice of reason. This is the same guy who once challenged his friend Tommy Lee to snort a line of ants crawling on the sidewalk.....
                                Didn't Ozzie actually do it
                                F#*K OHIO!!!

                                You're not only an amazingly beautiful man, but you're the greatest football mind to ever exist. <-- Jeffy Shittypants actually posted this. I knew he was in love with me.

