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Who's Walking Around In Your Dreams?

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  • I didn't know that, Tony. Thanks for sharing.
    GO LIONS "24" !!


    • Dano's right about the REM sleep regarding dreaming. My thing is I usually don't rest well at night, I generally wake up 4-6 times per night. Sometimes I fall right back asleep and sometimes I lay there for an hour, feeling like I have slept for 12 hours. Generally I can guarantee a dream by sleeping on myleft side and sometimes on my right side. I think also, most dreams we don't remember.

      Deb: LOL for dreaming about your Ex, I don't think I ever have, but I might have last night. AE said I woke her up and was calling someone a bitch. I don't remember a thing.

      Marko: I don't feel freaked out much by my dreams,actually I kinda look forward to seeing what's happening tonight, but Alan from post #162, has me freaked out for sure. I think I know who he is.
      Last edited by Sharkbait; June 3, 2013, 09:09 PM.
      "Don?t worry about a thing, every little thing is gonna be alright. - Bob Marley "


      • Last night I was hurrying to catch a bus, it was the standard yellow school bus, was going to participate in a baseball game. When I got on the bus, I noticed all the other ballplayers were not baseball players at all, but local guitar players I know. I thought it was quite strange because they were all holding guitars or guitar cases. As the bus took off, I fell backwards and was holding onto the rails as to keep from falling out the door. The bus was racing down the street and suddenly swerved into an alley. I saw a vehicle racing towards us down the alley and thought, we're going to crash, there isn't enough room to pass side by side. As the vehicle got closer, I saw that it was a Ford Crown Victoria and I saw the driver, a black gentleman whom I thought resembled Chuck Berry. The car pulled over, still racing, and began scraping the sides of the building, sparks were flying everywhere, and then suddenly, the car made a left turn into the back door of a grocery store, I remember as we passed the door ( in slow motion), the vehicle was crashed into a shelf and groceries were scattered everywhere. I told the driver, that we had to call 911, he said, "we're late, we've got to get to the game." I jumped off the bus and told him to wait, it wouldn't take long. I dialed 911 and was talking to the person about what I had seen, and suddenly I noticed that it sounded like he was close to me, and then realized he was, I say him approaching and talking to me on the phone. The bus driver kept blowing the horn ad telling me to hurry up. The 911 operator/police officer was taking my statement as the bus rode away, and I remember being pissed that I was going to miss the game because of this. About that time, I heard the alarm. Dammit.
        "Don?t worry about a thing, every little thing is gonna be alright. - Bob Marley "


        • do you have any medical issues that are causing these vivid dreams?
          Benny Blades~"If you break down this team man for man, we have talent to compare with any team."


          • So... Last I dreamed that was cruising with Chuck Berry in his Crown Vic...
            I feel like I am watching the destruction of our democracy while my neighbors and friends cheer it on


            • and capt blue was riding shotgun asking if the sirens meant you should pull over or take cover
              Benny Blades~"If you break down this team man for man, we have talent to compare with any team."


              • Marko69 was in the back counting, "1, 2, 3, GO!" and you ended up crashed in a supermarket.
                2015 AAL - Ezekiel "Double Digit Sacks" Ansah.


                • Originally posted by Tony G View Post
                  do you have any medical issues that are causing these vivid dreams?
                  Yes, I do.

                  Originally posted by CGVT View Post
                  So... Last I dreamed that was cruising with Chuck Berry in his Crown Vic...
                  Didn't see you.
                  "Don?t worry about a thing, every little thing is gonna be alright. - Bob Marley "


                  • You didn't catch the light beamin off his noggin?
                    I long for a Lions team that is consistently competitive.


                    • Didn't, Mark, but I swear I heard a blues harp somewhere off in the distance
                      "Don?t worry about a thing, every little thing is gonna be alright. - Bob Marley "


                      • I dreamed about Calvin Johnston last night. I was out walking to where ever I had to go and as I passed 2 guys they said hi to me and I said hi back, and continued to walk. 1 of the guys started to follow me and wanted to start something, and I told him I did not know him, nor do I have the time to chat. He then was going to hit me and I warned him that I would get him back if he tries anything. Of course he swung and I grabbed my pepper spray and sprayed him in the eyes. He thought that he would get me and he wiped his eyes and was then going to rub his hands into my eyes. I then started to run and slid down a big hill and at the bottom I saw CJ and his wife standing there. I ran over to him and told him what was going on. Both CJ and his wife lifted me up onto their shoulders and carried me to safety. The other guy found us and CJ beat the crap out of him. Now, while I was getting carried to safety, I ended up in a medical building type facility and was asked to start working right away. I just grabbed a medical chart and started in, no interview or nothing. It's kind of strange that I am dreaming about the Lions.
                        My window of opportunity is expanding.....


                        • Man, your house sounds so interesting to live in! If both of you talk in your sleep it must be amazing.
                          2015 AAL - Ezekiel "Double Digit Sacks" Ansah.


                          • Originally posted by LionsFanInJapan View Post
                            Man, your house sounds so interesting to live in! If both of you talk in your sleep it must be amazing.
                            Our house is very interesting and never a dull moment for to long. I don't talk in my sleep but I know Sharky does.
                            My window of opportunity is expanding.....


                            • You bet I do ...... snarl, wha??? Oh, shit, dozed off there.

                              My strange dream was really short last night. I dreamed I was sitting in a chair, someone was standing in front of me. Another person was standing just off to the right, and he was holding a shotgun. He aimed and fired at the person in front of me, and as the person fell back, I could see he was shot in the chest. The gunman closed in on me as I curled up into a ball, I closed my eyes and for some reason I felt that the gunman would not shoot at me unless I open my eyes so I could see him killing me. I remember him calling my name over and over again and again. Hoping I suppose, I might open my eyes to see who he was. I also remember thinking that maybe I could kick the gun out of his hands. I awoke to find my shirt drenched in sweat. Really creepy.
                              "Don?t worry about a thing, every little thing is gonna be alright. - Bob Marley "


                              • Love the new avitar, Hon!
                                "Don?t worry about a thing, every little thing is gonna be alright. - Bob Marley "

