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  • So in locker rooms in Ohio there's a regular and normal sharing of how one goes about sexually assaulting women?


    • To clarify, I think "locker room talk" is just the euphemism the Trump camp has chosen for "the dirty talk between men that goes on when women aren't around".

      I think it's ridiculous, especially the implications that boasts of sexual assault are "typical"


      • Yeah, thinking about it, if talent is talking about using foul language that's one thing. In a football locker room it was fairly common to demean the other team by using foul language. It's not as prevalent now but you still hear it. But that's a lot different than what we heard on that audio. The breath mint thing is creepy.


        • Trump won because he survived. Hillary lost because she failed to administer the coup de grace.

          For the first time, though, someone asked Hillary why she acidized the hard drives of her computers to remove details of Chelsea's wedding and Hillary's yoga classes

          This is about what Trump said versus what Hillary did.

          I'll never understand why Republicans allow moderators in these debates. Have one person ask the other a question, give two minutes for an answer and one for rebuttal.

          Trump finally called out Anderson Vanderbilt when he didn't interrupt Hillary when one answer went a minute long.
          Last edited by Da Geezer; October 10, 2016, 01:28 PM.


          • I can't imagine a Donald Trump debate without moderators. He would talk 95% of the time and yell over his opponent whenever necessary


            • I agree that ``lockerroom talk'' is a euphemism for that. I just don't see that a fitting description.


              • Originally posted by hack View Post
                I agree that ``lockerroom talk'' is a euphemism for that. I just don't see that a fitting description.
                Its his euphanism for being a disgusting old pervert.

                Sent from my SM-G900P using Tapatalk


                • "Trump won because he survived."

                  Now there you go Geezer. Back to your old self sputtering political platitudes that exist only in your feeble mind.


                  • This wasn't Thunderdome, he was going to survive. What does that even mean? Did you think he was in danger of getting arrested like Colonel Jessup after he admitted to the Code Red. Daniel Kaffee, that dude admistered the Coup de Grace, but Hillary just didn't have it in her.


                    • I was concerned he was going to try to punch someone. So he exceeded expectations.
                      To be a professional means that you don't die. - Takeru "the Tsunami" Kobayashi


                      • What really disturbs me about this campaign and debates is the absence of any substantive discussion about how to keep our country out of another war. Things are coming to a head in Syria and Aleppo and we don't get any discussion of where things are heading. The mainstream media make it sound like Russia and Assad are the perpetrators and discount the fact we are really supporting Isis, Al Qaeda, Al Nusra, & company in their effort to topple the Syrian government. The stakes are far higher for nuclear armed Russia than for the West and they are prepared to escalate the conflict to whatever it takes to maintain their only foothold in the ME and their bases in Syria.

                        It is another example of the regime change agenda of the Clinton enterprise
                        supported surreptitiously by the Zionist powers. But you can't say that because that makes you Anti-Semitic! Just think how we bumbled into Iraq and who was really pushing us into that war.

                        You'll never hear any of this in our mainstream media.


                        • Hodgkal, agree with you regarding your main point.

                          Gorbachov made a speech last week talking about the heightening tensions between Russia and the West, in particular the US, over the Syria situation. So, yes, some kind of armed conflict, somewhere, most likely in a surrogate part of the world, is becoming more likely. I think Gorbachov is rightly concerned about the potential for an accidental nuclear exchange over something like this.

                          I know you are very well read on the influence of the various Zionist actors involved in the ME including those in the US and around the world. I feel confident you can show me a thing or two about this so, I'll speak (dangerously) in general terms.

                          I believe the Clintons and their people are well grounded in the use of military power to obtain desired behavior from nation states, and even now, non-state entities like IS. There are, of course, always the risks of blow back or unintended consequences but I can guarantee you that based on my own personal experience, albeit 25 years ago, that this sort of thing gets a lot of consideration when military operations for the purpose of obtaining some kind of political outcome favorable to the West are being contemplated.

                          I don't think Hillary Clinton is the kind of Hawk that, during her Presidency (a foregone conclusion, IMO), is going to get the US entangled with a large scale military conflict in the ME over Syria. Would they arm/green light Israel to strike Iran? Yes. Would they green light Turkish incursions, like the recent ones, into Syria to stabilize that region? Yes. Those are two obvious situations. There are 100s more just like those two.

                          I'd argue that the Syrian conflict is so complicated with so many players having different agendas for that part of the world, including Russian's which is simply to keep the pot simmering but not necessarily boiling over, renders the likelihood of some kind of all out war over that between the East and West, only marginally possible even if at all possible.

                          Accordingly, I view the ME circumstances in much broader terms than I think you might when it comes to assessing it as tinder box for all out war. I am aware though of many of the writings that cast the unrest there in terms of the regional Jewish and Arab interests and while these are not to be ignored, I'd call most of them narrowly focused on elevating particular agendas.
                          Mission to CFB's National Championship accomplished. JH chased Saban from Alabama and caused Day, at the point of the OSU AD's gun, to make major changes to his staff just to beat Michigan. Love it. It's Moore!!!! time


                          • I agree with Geezer's take. Trump embarassed himself only in minor ways, and that's a win.


                            • Trump survived last nights debate and it was good for Hillary. Looking like Al Gore on roids with his looming over Hillary almost all night.

                              Make no mistake, Clinton is preferring to keep Trump alive rather than bait him into campaign killing moments that could drive him off the ticket in favor of Pence. Clinton would likely win in any scenario, but a Trump withdrawal would create significant uncertainty in a race that now is a certain return to the White House For the Clintons.


                              • 'I agree with Geezer's take. Trump embarassed himself only in minor ways, and that's a win.'

                                Talk of Trump withdrawing or being "forced out"a is ridiculous. Ballots for all fifty states have already been printed and early voting is underway. Any Republican who would replace Trump would need to win as a write in candidate. Ain't never going to happen.Trump didn't "win" the debate by not losing. He lost it by not winning big time. and with the withdrawal of the Republican establishment he's been left out to twist slowly in the wind. The total collapse of Trump, something people have been expecting since he ran in the primaries, has finally occurred.

