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M-Borg vs. THE Flavortown U Thread, Orig. by Buckeye Paul, absconded w/by talent.

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  • LOL.

    You know in some parts of the Former Soviet Union it took years and years before they got around to tearing down all the Lenin and Stalin statues. Very depressed areas. Living in the past.


    • Bo was finally forced out of the Fort right around the time the Berlin Wall came down.

      That's the parallel you were trying to draw, right?


      • Looks very much like Jerry Sandusky.
        ?I don?t take vacations. I don?t get sick. I don?t observe major holidays. I?m a jackhammer.?


        • Originally posted by Dr. Strangelove View Post
          Bo was finally forced out of the Fort right around the time the Berlin Wall came down.

          That's the parallel you were trying to draw, right?
          LOL, I gotta say...


          • We've got one of them (Lenin statue) rescued from the scrapheap.

            This Fremont sculpture of the Soviet leader would be out of place in any other U.S. community (except Berkeley, of course).


            • I love the Lenin statue Dennis
              To be a professional means that you don't die. - Takeru "the Tsunami" Kobayashi


              • LOL! Awesome. Taco Del Mar is a great companion piece.


                • I think you can make an argument that the decline of balance in the Michigan/osu rivalry (which team is better) can be traced to the six year period between 1998 and 2006.

                  During this time period, jim tressel arrived at osu and delivered a ten year run of wins that essentially wiped out Lloyd's winning record against John Cooper. Lloyd retired in 2007 and his last three years, in terms of recruiting, were poor. This was followed by the Rodriguez years - a total disaster for M football.

                  Before that time, Michigan was better and overall is still the better CFB team. How can one support that assertion?

                  Observationally, especially from the standpoint of observers who only have a limited view, say the last 20-25 years of the rivalry, osu appears to have the upper hand. Right? talent will certainly tell you that.

                  Here's an interesting take on the question of which team is better. A data dump analyzed 5 components that are frequently used to determine the relative rank of a CFB team -Winning Percentage Ranking Component, Strength of Schedule Ranking Component, National Championship Ranking Component, Big 4 Bowls Ranking Component - combining them to come with an index that can be used to rank teams over various time periods.

                  You can see how the study was constructed here:

                  Once you’ve seen how the components were assembled, you can move around the assemblage of impressive data by many time based variables. Couple of points I can draw from the data:

                  Overall, Michigan is the better football team (All time rankings, Top Ten: Alabama, ND, USC, OU, M, osu, Texas, Neb, LSU, UT).

                  If you break down the analysis into 4, 25 year periods from 1901 to 2000, osu is ranked higher in only one of them (1951-1975, osu 5, M 11). In every other 25 year period, M is ranked higher.

                  In the last 15 years, osu is ranked #11 and M, #28. IN the last 5 years, osu is #44, M #72.

                  So, yeah, the relatively poor, recent performance of M football can be laid at the feet of Carr’s last disinterested 3 years and Rich Rodriguez’s annihilation of the football program which still lingers today.

                  I don’t think any CFB, except those among the osu nation who wrongly immortalize him, would not say that jim tressel led osu to a return to prominence on the CFB scene by cheating.He also established a degree of dominance over M football on the backs of a self inflicted wreck of the M football program.

                  Much of what osu has achieved, that which reversed the rankings comparing osu to M in the last 13 years, was accomplished by questionable means. I’d put osu right up there with Oregon and Auburn, for example, who made steep climbs in their relative rankings, by cheating.
                  Mission to CFB's National Championship accomplished. JH chased Saban from Alabama and caused Day, at the point of the OSU AD's gun, to make major changes to his staff just to beat Michigan. Love it. It's Moore!!!! time


                  • LOL @ OSU #44 over the last 5 years.

                    And LOL at Buchanan's "quarter century" cherry picking.

                    How about this, Buchanan:

                    According to the very same rankings you tout:

                    Ohio State has been better than Michigan: over the past 5 years, 10 years, 15 years, 20 years, 25 years, 50 years, 75 years and, 100 years. Indeed, the series started 13-0-2 to Michigan. The only time period looking back that OSU isn't superior to M in these rankings is all-time.

                    What is obvious from THAT data is that M is STILL living off the magical Yost Era (which is excluded from the past 100 during the Era of Roosevelt.....TEDDY Roosevelt.

                    As I've always conceded, M's pre-Great War performance has been, to date, been enough to keep them ahead of OSU all-time. Incidentally, try using even 1940s performance in hoops and M fans scream bloody murder. Heh.

                    However, over the past 100 years, Ohio State has been the better progam. And over the 50 years it's crystal clear.

                    Thank you for the data. Very useful.

                    Oh, and 8 of 9. 12-0. FLAGSHIP.

                    When do you think UFM will lose his first game as OSU? I'm thinking he may go 2 years from his hire date without a loss. It's good to be king.
                    Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
                    Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.


                    • What's also interesting is that Ohio State would be ahead of M, ALL-TIME, but for the "strength of schedule" component, which I'm not sure how they figure out.

                      Anyway, Ohio State is 1 BCS Title away from passing M in those rankings ALL-TIME. I didn't realize OSU had made up so much ground on M over the past 100 years.
                      Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
                      Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.


                      • Nice work Buchanan, thought it was too early in the morning to make Talent dance.

                        Ohio St. 2013 OOC schedule:

                        Buffalo Bulls
                        San Diego State Aztecs
                        California Golden Bears
                        Florida A&M Rattlers

                        Talk about risk avoidance, what a joke, Try Alabama, ND or Oregon if you want to join the big boys.
                        ?I don?t take vacations. I don?t get sick. I don?t observe major holidays. I?m a jackhammer.?


                        • Western Kentucky played Alabama last season, I think. They had the same chance of winning as Michigan.

                          LOL @ ND. And Oregon? Eh, beat them.
                          Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
                          Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.


                          • It's the whole point Talent and why OSU dare not schedule them or similar, cowardly really.
                            ?I don?t take vacations. I don?t get sick. I don?t observe major holidays. I?m a jackhammer.?


                            • Cherry picked or not, counselor, I'm just dealing with the facts.

                              Those inconvenient ones you'd rather they be seen in a different light.

                              While you don't contend the impact of the Yost era on the all-time rankings, I don't contend that M's record against osu in the last decade is just awful.

                              The important point to be made, and a direct extrapolation of the data, is that there are several teams that have elevated themselves to elite status over the last ten years that did so with the aid of massive cheating.

                              Certainly, osu deserves to be in the category, historically speaking and from the beginning, an elite football team. However, it has closed the gap on Michigan in all time rankings for two dubious reasons:

                              (1) Michigan's self inflicted destruction of the football program 3 years before and now 5+ years after LC's retirement.

                              (2) osu's advantage gained by that fact coupled with jim tressel's lying, cheating ways that garnered unfair advantage in the process.
                              Mission to CFB's National Championship accomplished. JH chased Saban from Alabama and caused Day, at the point of the OSU AD's gun, to make major changes to his staff just to beat Michigan. Love it. It's Moore!!!! time


                              • I'm just dealing with the facts
                                LOL. Especially with the bullshit that comes after. Vintage Buchanan.

                                Here are the facts:

                                According to the ratings YOU tout: Ohio State has been better than Michigan over the past 5 years, 10 years, 15 years, 20 years, 25 years, 50 years, 75 years and, 100 years. Short-term; mid-term; long-term: OSU has jsut been better.

                                I will spare you the recent FACTS that are so crushing and one-sided. You know them well.
                                Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
                                Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.

