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  • Originally posted by Hannibal View Post

    Which is why I don't expect the Texas lawsuit to go anywhere, because I don't see the USSC wanting to override those decisions, but they are hearing the case.

    I'm only familiar with the PA case, which was decided by a clearly partisan Democrat majority on the bench. I don't know if there are cases in other states that challenged the election rules as having been materially changed by court order or executive action. Maybe there are new arguments being made that the state courts did not hear, but I don't know.

    I don't see this as some kind of dangerous precedent since there is a section of the Constitution specifically devoted to this issue.

    If Democrats want to argue that Trump won Ohio and Florida because of material changes to the election process that occurred by court order or executive action, then feel free.
    The thing that's ludicrous is that the things they are saying are "unconstitutional" also took place in the states that have signed onto the lawsuit. Not just those 4 states.

    Utah and Montana conduct their elections almost entirely by mail, yet their AGs sign onto a lawsuit which insists that PA allowing ballots by mail (which was passed into law by the Republican state legislature in 2019) is unconstitutional. Mississippi allows absentee ballots received after Election Day to still count, yet their AG has signed onto a lawsuit saying it's unconstitutional for PA to do so.


    • Trust the math.
      Shut the fuck up Donny!


      • Originally posted by THE_WIZARD_ View Post
        Trust the math.
        Trust math. Trust science. Don't listen to people who are anti-science.


        • Stay the course with HARBAUGH!!!
          Shut the fuck up Donny!


          • I should be more careful in how I phrase things...the AG's from the other Republicans states haven't really endorsed everything the Texas AG is alleging. They just support the SC hearing his case. Nor do ANY of these AG's necessarily represent their states in an official capacity. The Utah Governor, for one, has said the Utah AG definitely does not.


            • Originally posted by Dr. Strangelove View Post

              The thing that's ludicrous is that the things they are saying are "unconstitutional" also took place in the states that have signed onto the lawsuit. Not just those 4 states.
              They aren't saying that mail-in balloting is Unconstitutional. They are saying that changing election rules via executive action or court order is unconstitutional.


              • Since when have dems followed the law?
                Shut the fuck up Donny!


                • Remember when Al Gore tried to get the Florida election result overturned with nothing remotely resembling a reasonable case and literally every Democrat went along with it and the Liberal justices on the Supreme Court all sided with him?

                  Funny I don't remember the news outlets at the time editorializing with headlines like "AL GORE CONTINUES TO MAKE FALSE CLAIMS ABOUT STOLEN ELECTION" like they are doing now with Trump
                  Last edited by Hannibal; December 10, 2020, 10:53 AM.


                  • You mean...hypocrisy?

                    Shirley you can't be serious.
                    Shut the fuck up Donny!


                    • Again, Andrew McCarthy's piece on the Texas suit being 'frivolous".

                      And Erick Erickson

                      Ken Paxton, the Attorney General of Texas, is under a federal investigation and would love a presidential pardon.


                      This will persuade the fool and the gullible, but these are not meritorious arguments, particularly when many of the states on the plaintiff’s side of the lawsuit have done similar things and thus have unclean hands.

                      The level of debasement these people have been willing to engage in makes them seem more the ball-gagged gimp from Pulp Fiction, humiliating themselves for their master. They should be ashamed and embarrassed.

                      The bottom line is this — the voters of states must act within their own states and be responsible for their own elections. Texas does not get to dictate the internal affairs of other states particularly when Texas is not directly impacted by a fellow semi-sovereign nation within these united States of America choosing its own members of the Electoral College. The remedy is not the Supreme Court’s intervention on behalf of some sore losers, but challenging the electors in the House of Representatives, which these people know is a fight they will lose. But they already know that is the remedy too.

                      If Texas were to win this, it would dissolve the horizontal federalism of our union and only expand the powers of the federal government. It would also lead to a Civil War as a handful of states overturn the rules and laws of other states and dictate those states’ internal affairs. Wait for Gavin Newsom and Andrew Cuomo to give this precedent a whirl. Wait for progressive states to start suing conservative states over religious liberty, transgender rights, police brutality, tax policies that “steal” residents of progressive states, etc.


                      • Anyways, I suspect the lawsuit will get tossed today, within hours of PA/MI/WI/GA filing their response (due at 3PM). Similar to what happened to Mike Kelly/Sean Parnell in the PA suit


                        • I wish you would get tossed from this forum...
                          Shut the fuck up Donny!


                          • Originally posted by THE_WIZARD_ View Post
                            I wish you would get tossed from this forum...
                            EFZ and then kindly (or not kindly) STFU


                            • Stop stealing my material...

                              ...ya douchenozzle...
                              Shut the fuck up Donny!


                              • Maybe no one is stunned anymore by this sort of COVID thing, I'm not but this morning's NYT's brief ran a headline story that reported a study has just concluded we need more testing. Shocking! NOw we get the details, again shocking and completely new news ...... there are such things as RAPID Antigen tests and imagine if you could get these free whenever you wanted them. The author of the article then says, test and isolate is a key strategy in containing the spread of the virus. He goes on to say if massive RAPID antigen testing started today, we'd have control of the virus before Christmas!

                                Of course he is right but is this new and shocking news that's going to set us free from the bounds of COVID? Nope. Antigen tests have been around forever and once the SARS-CoV-2 virus got gene mapped, labs could produce viable antigen tests. Manufacturers understood their value to pandemic surveillance and were pleading with the FDA to approve the devices they'd come up with. Didn't happen until a few months later. RAPID versions of them started showing up in quantity from about 6 FDA approved manufacturers in late March and early April and became publicly known when the NBA, NFL and NHL worked to create bubbles so teams could compete.

                                I can argue that not planning for, fast tracking and implementing a national RAPID testing surveillance, test and isolate strategy in January is the reason we are right we are now. Basically fucked. But what's the use. It appears we've held the dick-head that failed to comprehend the need for this accountable by booting him from office. I have no doubt in my mind that wide-spread testing was urged by many in the know about the utility of it but were drowned out by persons offering competing strategies - the ones that turned out to get us to where we are now. Such is life.
                                Mission to CFB's National Championship accomplished. JH chased Saban from Alabama and caused Day, at the point of the OSU AD's gun, to make major changes to his staff just to beat Michigan. Love it. It's Moore!!!! time

