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  • Originally posted by lineygoblue View Post
    I have no idea how the system would have been 'more equitable' had Rittenhouse been found guilty.
    Because the Left thinks we should have mob rule. It would have been a massive victory for them and their warped ideology.

    But in the end, when all the dust settled, the prosecution couldn’t even get him on curfew violation.

    Hey, has anyone heard from Thomas Binger lately? I have a feeling he’s gonna be an ambulance chaser in a couple years.


    • Yeah, something that is "inequitable" is just the cudgel The Left uses for, literally, anything they disagree with.
      Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
      Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.


      • Yep. Losing isn’t fair. They are the ultimate “blame the refs” fanbase. They make Penn St. fans look reasoned and calm.

        Talent, did you watch Richards’ presser yesterday? There’s a 24 minute video on YouTube. You were spot on with your analysis of putting Kyle on the stand. When asked about the decision he said “Had to. There was no choice”. He then went on to explain that they had a mock jury and they ran their case with and without him testifying. The results were significantly better for them when they had him take the stand.


        • Well, I am a supergenius -- no one is disputing that -- but that particular bit of insight was fairly obvious. Unless you've actually done a jury trial, you really can't appreciate how much credibility matters. Now, in this case the facts were so one-sided that there was an obvious crediblity gap. I closer cases it's not as easy a decision. But, man -- we had one trial where we had all the facts and the other side insisted on nonsense arguments. And we just made them look like liars. And by the end, the jury hated them and gave us everything we wanted, including damages on a theory that was, ummm, novel and eventually overturned by an appellate court. But, they would have given us a trilion dollars.

          When you have the high ground, fight from it. Rittenhouse had the high ground. Very easy for him to stay up there with even modest trial prep.
          Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
          Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.


          • Talent did you read the link I posted last week? I'm totally in your camp wrt conspiracy theorizing. I went into the part of that link where they started talking about going, "right another self serving to your cause conspiracy theory." That was because the lead in to the argument the author is advancing is what is going on in Belarus with Lukashencko encouraging immigrants fleeing the hell that is the sandbox of the ME to fly into Minsk. Then he put them into camps and started busing them to the Polish boarder and forcing them to cross at gun point.

            Observers have opined this is the kind of weaponization of, in this case immigrants, authoritarians like Lukashenco have been trained to do by Putin's security agents to sow division and create instability within the EU. The first part of the article at the link describes how horrific the suppression of dissent is in Belarus. Putin teaches that you don't have to kill demonstrators to put down large gatherings of protestors of human rights abuses within one's government or those who advocate democratic reforms. Nope, you just kill the leadership and terrorize their families. That tactic, mounted against opponents of the Third Reich is disturbingly similar to Himmler's Waffen SS. Massive propaganda intended to advance Hitler's racial purity ideology for Germany and to characterize, what at that time (the mid 30s) was massive military operations in Eastern Europe, later in France and the Netherlands, a "European crusade against Bolshevism." Germans bought it hook, line and sinker..... and unfortunately by most of the rest of the world leadership and people.

            Regardless of who you might see as the provocateurs, home grown leftists like VP Harris, AOC, the "Squad" and their ilk, who have persuaded Americans they are not radicals seeking to bring down American democracy but seekers of justice and equity or a loose coalition of global authoritarians collaborating in the infiltration of European, Asian, African and American institutions, I believe is less relevant than recognizing what is happening globally and in the US to destroy democracy and elevate all the forms of authoritarianism.
            Last edited by Jeff Buchanan; November 20, 2021, 09:36 AM.
            Mission to CFB's National Championship accomplished. JH chased Saban from Alabama and caused Day, at the point of the OSU AD's gun, to make major changes to his staff just to beat Michigan. Love it. It's Moore!!!! time


            • Comment

              • Originally posted by iam416 View Post
                VP Kamala Harris on the verdict:

                I wish Kapture was just making his shit up about getting read of fairness and impartiality in favor of "equitable" outcomes -- but that's the fucking VP of the US.
                ...and just think...she was acting POTUS for a couple hours when Chairman Poopypants was getting his colon drilled...
                Shut the fuck up Donny!


                • The Big Man got two colonoscopies yesterday.


                  • Oye.
                    Shut the fuck up Donny!


                    • More memes, Hanni. Hop to it.


                      • When Creepy Joe gets sued by Kyle...he can pay for it by being a spokesperson for Depends...or a laptop company...
                        Shut the fuck up Donny!


                        • Or just sell a few of his son’s paintings.


                          • 258233320_10222744564508880_9090418985336224542_n.jpg?_nc_cat=103&ccb=1-5&_nc_sid=825194&_nc_ohc=iSFN742aye8AX8W1Nav&_nc_ht=scontent-ort2-1.xx&oh=31afae3d36c9dcfc90d2ba3093cc8d1f&oe=619E6DF3.jpg
                            Save Michigan Football. Fire Warde Manuel.


                            • Originally posted by Mike View Post
                              More memes, Hanni. Hop to it.
                              I shall do my best. Please forgive my meager contributions I am but a humble meme farmer of limited means.

                              Last edited by Hannibal; November 20, 2021, 03:40 PM.



                                Prosecutors Find Mail-In Jury Votes At 3AM, Rittenhouse Now Guilty

                                Last edited by Hannibal; November 20, 2021, 03:39 PM.

