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  • Originally posted by lineygoblue View Post
    I'd hoped that The Chairman would somehow have some success as President. But, the only 'success' he's had is re-defining what a recession is, (we're not in one, he says) and releasing oil from the strategic reserves to bring down gas prices about $1.50. Of course, he was directly responsible for gas prices going up by $3.80 here in Michigan, so there's a ways to go to get prices back to where they were when he took the oath. It was $1.70 here in Michigan. It got as high as $5.35. Its 'down' to $3.99 now. Yippee. Oh, and if you don't like high gas prices, just go out and buy an electric car! Simple. Of course, your electric bill will shoot up but hey, less emissions, right? Well, then again, the electrical grid is mostly run by coal and natural gas powered plants.... Good job, Joe.

    So the Taliban re-took Afghanistan after Joe ordered the US out. And the US left behind all kinds of neat weapons for them. Cool! Inflation is the highest its been since the 70's. China and Russia are looking for a fight with us. Joe is sucking up to the 'palestinians', who in spite of their sworn goal of eliminating Israel and the Jewish people, are now receiving American tax dollars again. That makes a nice gift when their suicide bombers blow themselves up on buses and marketplaces, and the cash goes to their surviving families. Good job, Joe.

    And oh yes.. "monkeypox" is the new national disease crisis, even though Joe's experts agree that over 90% of the cases are being spread by gay men via anal sex. But, hey .. lets get started on a vaccine, and require EVERYONE to get it or lose their job, home, or whatever else the woke people can think of.

    Joe's own man talking about monkeypox. It turns out 98% (liney was being conservative) of cases are in gay and bisexual men. 6,600 total cases with no deaths.

    Does anyone think this is an actual emergency? It is simply catering to the most-preferenced minority group in our society.

    One other thing I'm going to say here if only to advance the conversation about the name "monkeypox". At the very onset of the HIV-Aids panic, there were those who tried to trace Patient 1. Patient 1 turns out to have had sex with a monkey, and there was some speculation that HIV "jumped species" to humans. Perhaps the name monkeypox has an origin in nature. Just saying.

    The White House coronavirus response coordinator said Friday that the "average person" does not need to worry about contracting the monkeypox because 98% of cases are among gay or bisexual men. Dr. Ashish Jha made the comments on "Morning Joe" while being interviewed by Mika Brzezinski. "This ...


    • Originally posted by Obi-Jon View Post

      Yep. Everything is Biden's fault.
      If Trump was in office right now, everyone would blame him.

      If Joe wants credit for good stuff, he has to accept blame for the bad stuff. You can't have one without the other.

      Joe wanted the job. He said he could do it better. He promised he could do it better.

      Allegedly, 80 million people thought he could too. More than who voted for his former boss Barry Otero.

      He hasn't.
      Save Michigan Football. Fire Warde Manuel.


      • NR article with some polling data. Biden still beats Trump. 53% of all voters say Trump should not be President again.


        • DeSantis 2024. Just do it.
          Shut the fuck up Donny!


          • ...
            Attached Files
            Shut the fuck up Donny!


            • ....
              Attached Files
              Shut the fuck up Donny!


              •'s lookin' at you kid...
                Attached Files
                Shut the fuck up Donny!


                • Too much acrimony in this thread. Do you heathens not realize that the birth of a new season is upon us?

                  But the archangel AA said to them, “Do not be afraid. I bring you good news that will cause great joy for all the people. Soon in the town of Tuscaloosa a new season will be born to you; This will be a sign to you: You will find a co-ed in scant clothing and taking shots from a boot flask.”
                  "The problem with quotes on the Internet is that it is sometimes hard to verify their authenticity." -Abraham Lincoln


                  • Translation...the hilljack from Bammer is about to go into Sandbaggus status...
                    Shut the fuck up Donny!


                    • I’m a simple purveyor of truth and wisdom. I can tell you many things, but I cannot understand them for you.
                      "The problem with quotes on the Internet is that it is sometimes hard to verify their authenticity." -Abraham Lincoln


                      • Originally posted by lineygoblue View Post

                        If Trump was in office right now, everyone would blame him.

                        If Joe wants credit for good stuff, he has to accept blame for the bad stuff. You can't have one without the other.

                        Joe wanted the job. He said he could do it better. He promised he could do it better.

                        Allegedly, 80 million people thought he could too. More than who voted for his former boss Barry Otero.

                        He hasn't.
                        Not only would everyone blame DJT but Jon, in particular, would absolutely do so.
                        Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
                        Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.


                        • Think smoking at the pump is dangerous?

                          I don't watch Fox News for the same reason I don't eat out of a toilet.


                          • When I pull off the freeway to charge up my EV, will I also need a hotel room?


                            • DSL -- yesterday I was very much in a mood for sass and snark -- in other words, being kind of an asshole. If you are genuinely interested in understanding why somebody like me would defend somebody like Alex Jones, then I'll elaborate a little bit more. And if you aren't interested, then maybe somebody else is.

                              I'm not a fan of Alex Jones. My opinion on Jones is probably a lot closer to yours than you think. The first time that I watched his show on youtube was during the 2016 election. I liked his show but I quickly tired of his inaccurate bullshit predictions and speculation. I might like Right Wing biased sources but I still demand intellectual honesty and a good track record for truth. After about the third time that Jones inaccurately predicted that Hillary would drop out of the race because she had lung cancer or Parkinson's or alcoholism or whatever, I decided that this kind of anonymous source info spamming was no better than what the mainstream media was doing with Trump. They are two sides of the same shitty coin -- I think that I have made the comparison between the accuracy of CNN and the accuracy of Alex Jones on a few occasions. From an informational standpoint, they are both total garbage.

                              Which brings me to the Alex Jones lawsuit. I don't believe that Alex Jones purposefully made defamatory statements about the Sandy Hook parents,. I believe that he genuinely believed that the attack was fake. I say this because he was ahead of the curve on some legitimate conspiracy stuff that has since been proven to be true (he was also 100% spot on that Sandy Hook would be used to justify more gun control). I don't believe that he should be punished for his former opinion (which he has since disavowed). I am a free speech absolutist. I believe that granting the government the power to punish unpopular people for their opinions is a disaster. And yes, a government-backed jury decision to bankrupt somebody is an example of this. My opinions on free speech absolutism also don't change based on who the supposed speakers and victims are. Grieving parents do not have special privileges to shut somebody up. A rich guy doesn't have fewer rights than grieving parents.

                              I am enough of a student of recent history to know that there is much more to the Alex Jones lawsuit than just some grieving parents. The lawyers of the plaintiffs are no doubt funded by Left Wing groups, because they always are in this type of case. This is a coordinated attack on Alex Jones because he is an enemy of the Left. You don't have to like the guy to agree. I also question whether he got a fair trial with a judge that clearly hates his guts and hates his politics. In a county that went +45% for Biden. On top of that are the leaked privileged communications, which Democrats are already trying to exploit. There is an obvious bigger picture at play that has played out many times before.

                              With that said, I could still accept that the Alex Jones lawsuits are legitimate if the same standards were being applied to the opposition, but they aren't. I have recounted countless examples in his forum of instances in which the mainstream media caused irreparable harm with their lies and distortions. Lies about Trayvon Martin, Michael Brown, George Floyd, Jacob Blake, Kyle Rittenhouse, and so on. They are never held to account. Ever -- the one exception being Nick Sandmann. I steadfastly refuse to hold my allies to standards that my enemies do not have to comply with, even if it means defending shitty people like Alex Jones. I'll never punch Right. . You think that makes me a lowlife. . Fine. I think that it puts me on the same moral level as people who still watch CNN and read the New York Times and express no moral outrage about all of the lies that they have told. The Left never punches Left. I don't care that my view on this issue puts me on an island and separate from the Right Wingers that usually agree with me. I think that they mean well but they fail to appreciate the desperate win-or-lose culture war that we are in. My opinions are my own and I arrive at them independently.. Sometimes that means looking like a wacko. . I'll accept it.
                              Last edited by Hannibal; August 6, 2022, 07:27 PM.


                              • The second topic from yesterday was anti-Semitism. If you are a streadfast Christian and you wish to live in a Christian theocracy, then I don't believe that excluding members of other religions makes you anti-those religions. If it does, then every theocracy or ethno state around the world should be held to the same standard and loudly condemned for being "Anti Buddhist" or "Anti Christian" or "Anti Jew". But they aren't, because it's only white Christians who are expected to not have some sort of in group preference. It is perfectly okay for everybody else.

                                I'm not sure where you get the idea that I resent Christians. I'm not religious. If I resent Christians for anything, it would be the modern interpretation of "love your enemies" as "let yourself and your community be destroyed because that's what Jesus would do". I'm not enough of a religious scholar to know if that's what Jesus would do, but I know enough about history to know that the interpretation of Christianity as pure defenselessness and unconditional inclusiveness is a 20th Century phenomenon.

                                Andrew Torba is an anti-Semite though. His track record makes it obvious . In retrospect, it was stupid of me to bring up my opinion on the subject in that context. I did it because I'm sick and tired of "isms" and "phobias" being used as a cudgel to silence free speech. The attacks on Andrew Torba have a purposed behind them. They are an attempt to shut down gab the way that parler was shut down. It's obvious that this is the goal. Gab is one of the only free speech platforms with a modicum of reach right now . It's the only platform where Jews like Laura Loomer and Milo Yiannopolous are allowed to post. It's the only platform where somebody can say that they think that the election was stolen or that masks don't work. I am a free speech absolutist, so you know where I stand on shutting down platforms like gab. This, of course, means that I will also defend 1488 types who say all kinds of no-no words. I don't care. Moral outrage over the in-group preferences of white Christians is another 20th Century phenomenon that is only reserved for White Christians. I have posted more than a few examples in this forum of anti-white hate and calls to anti-white violence that nobody cares about.

                                Me? I don't have very strong in-group preference. I'm a big fan of Laura Loomer and Milo. One of my favorite political discussion partners in my life was my based Jewish stepdad. I'm delighted that the black John Gibbs just beat the white Peter Meijer in Michigan's third district. That doesn't mean that I don't notice statistical patterns and trends though, many of which I have pointed out here. Judging individuals as individuals doesn't make me oblivious to the behavior of populations. And just because I don't have strong in group preference doesn't mean that I am going to stand idly by as White people are the victims of institutional discrimination, interracial violence, and blood libel.

                                So that's basically it. Condemn away, or don't. I'll still be here, doing my duties as a citizen, pointing out Wiz's degeneracy, Talent's sandbaggery, and Jim Tressel's disgraced legacy as a cheater.
                                Last edited by Hannibal; August 6, 2022, 01:51 PM.

