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  • Our government didn't spend zero dollars on roads and bridges in previous years, so not all of that spending is new. Still, I would hope that a bill labeled as an "infrastructure" bill would be more than one third infrastructure.


    • Originally posted by Hannibal View Post
      Our government didn't spend zero dollars on roads and bridges in previous years, so not all of that spending is new. Still, I would hope that a bill labeled as an "infrastructure" bill would be more than one third infrastructure.
      True but from what I'm reading were talking about annual budget increases for specific government agencies that are magnitudes higher.
      Mission to CFB's National Championship accomplished. JH chased Saban from Alabama and caused Day, at the point of the OSU AD's gun, to make major changes to his staff just to beat Michigan. Love it. It's Moore!!!! time


      • Originally posted by Hannibal View Post
        Our government didn't spend zero dollars on roads and bridges in previous years, so not all of that spending is new. Still, I would hope that a bill labeled as an "infrastructure" bill would be more than one third infrastructure.
        Just wait until Manchin and Sienema buckle, and that 2nd bill hits the fan. Bend over, .. apply KY, America...
        Save Michigan Football. Fire Warde Manuel.


        • What does Kentucky have to do with it?
          Shut the fuck up Donny!


          • Originally posted by THE_WIZARD_ View Post
            What does Kentucky have to do with it?

            and no, .. its not made in Kentucky ...
            Save Michigan Football. Fire Warde Manuel.


            • Arkansas?
              Shut the fuck up Donny!


              • I would like to think the country will be offered the comforts of KY. We will not, however.


                • mFPGsmxq.jpg


                  • Cluster fuck over the Louisiana Federal District Court's "stay" of the Biden administration's vaccine mandate for qualifying private businesses. Is it national? Nobody knows for sure as the Judge issuing the stay didn't speak to that point - an important one.

                    The Justice Department has asked that all filings related to the vaccine mandate be consolidated in one court chosen at random - good luck with that.

                    I think our legal minds here would allow that this sort of thing can get really complicated and if I recall, standing is going to be an issue in consolidation. Correct me if that is not a problem. I also think that in the case of the LA court, SCOTUS can make thier own ruling on the LA judge's ruling...... one justice has jurisdiction over that court but I don't know who that is. Being that SCOTUS leans conservative at this point, fucking around with this clearly, IMO, illegal action can be ended with one fell swoop of the Supremes.
                    Mission to CFB's National Championship accomplished. JH chased Saban from Alabama and caused Day, at the point of the OSU AD's gun, to make major changes to his staff just to beat Michigan. Love it. It's Moore!!!! time


                    • The Chairman is the benevolent dictator.

                      Do not question his judgement. He knows what is best for you.

                      You must obey without question.

                      Pay your taxes, and shut up. That's the message.
                      Save Michigan Football. Fire Warde Manuel.


                      • I'm really not in that court, Liney ....... Biden's act is unpopular and there is plenty of push-back. It's coming from VIrginia, Minneapolis and the Senate in the form of Manchin and Sinema - among others - who are insisting the free shit the Dems want, in particular the radical left of the party, is limited to what can be paid for by reasonable tax policy. In my view, the Democratic Party is going to have to diminish the voice of the crazy's caucus if they hope to not get blasted in the mid-terms and that to one degree or another is already going to happen. More push-back from important voters who aren't digging much of anything the D party has made itself into since Trump got booted.

                        IMO, the courts are doing a fairly good job of telling administrators to STFU and sit down when they try to make laws that exceed the authority granted to them by congress. There are a couple of good examples of that occurring within the last year. Personally, I think Roe v. Wade is a good precedent setting ruling by the Supremes. You may not agree but, right now, it's the law and it looks like that court case will stand the test of the right's anti-abortion wing to get rid of it. I find it difficult to understand how, "my body, my choice" when it comes to vaccines doesn't count when it comes to a women's choice to end a pregnancy. I know that's controversila and it's not my intent to start up that debate.

                        My point is that when the pendulum swings toe far, there seems to be inertia to get it back to some semblance of rationality. The road is never smooth getting back there though. Stops and starts but there's strength in the core principals that characterize American democracy.

                        BTW, November 10th is the 246th birthday of the US Marine Corps. Semper Fi.

                        The U.S. Marine Corps got its start in a Philadelphia tavern in 1775. Today, more than 178,000 actively serve.
                        Mission to CFB's National Championship accomplished. JH chased Saban from Alabama and caused Day, at the point of the OSU AD's gun, to make major changes to his staff just to beat Michigan. Love it. It's Moore!!!! time


                        • Because that's not her body, it's the baby's body.


                          • Marine Corps… Meh….


                            • Originally posted by Dr. Strangelove View Post

                              Going back to this quickly, there's only $110B for infrastructure if you define infrastructure solely as roads and literally nothing else.

                              The article below states that the bill includes:

                              * $110B for roads, highways, and bridges everyone agrees on this
                              * $39B for public transit of all kinds, including buses. allocated to urban areas because of equity. Why can't cities pay their own way
                              * $66B for passenger rail just because the Chairman liked rail. Passenger rail is inefficient. This is part of the green new deal and is apportioned based on equity
                              * $8B for electric car charging stations green new deal
                              * $25B for airports in cities
                              * $65B for electrical grid improvements electrical system needs hardening badly. Is this about more Solindras?
                              * $65B for broadband internet for rural/underserved regions like West Virginia
                              * $55B for wastewater/water treatment, including $15B of that to replace lead pipes disbursed in an equitable manner

                              I don't doubt that there's some woke gobbly-gook spread throughout the bill, but I can't believe anyone would seriously claim that stuff like airports, railroads, and the electrical grid don't count as true infrastructure.

                              It all depends on how the woke bureaucracy spends the money.

                              Do we want to recognize gender equity as a protected class? This seems to me to be a pretty big deal. What is it doing in an infrastructure bill? Further, this bill CAN be used to promote other social items unrelated to infrastructure.
                              • Doles out “digital equity” grants partly based on racial or ethnic minority status.
                              • State-mandated carbon reduction program
                              • Contains funding for “zero-emission vehicles”
                              • Addresses “over-the-road bus tolling equity”
                              • Contains the word “equity” 64 times
                              • Provides roughly $2.5 billion to help the U.S. government expand the border processing stations used by migrants from poor Central American nations and other regions around the world.


                              • The piece of shit on the stand in this video tried to murder Kyle Rittenhouse (he fake surrendered and then tried to shoot him) and got shot in self defense. He is a convicted felon himself and is not allowed to carry a firearm. Something to note during a trial in which one of the charges against the defendant is illegal posession of a firearm. I guarantee you he will serve no time. The prosecutor who is trying to lynch Kyle Rittenhouse will also face no consequences.

                                I have said this already, but it bears repeating. The Dems need to start throwing at least some sacrificial lambs out or January 6 is going to look like a fucking picnic.

                                Last edited by Hannibal; November 8, 2021, 09:43 PM.

